Monday, August 31, 2015

Moving Out

 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 
~Phillipians 4:6-7

Coming Soon

 So we are moving. Yep, me and my husband, two boys and three dogs are moving across the country to North Carolina. My husband is being relocated and Texas is the only place either one of us have ever called home. 

This is big, this is far, this is...scary. The entire process of moving whether it is to the next neighborhood or 1,300 miles away is stressful. The part I have a hard time with most in this situation and in life in general is the waiting. 

In the past I would stress myself out with the What ifs, and How will this work out and How much will this cost? But there is something funny happening to me during this entire process.  I am not stressing. I am not as anxious as I could be. I have my moments, I am after all only human as the rest of you reading this, but it's less...less stress than I know I am capable of if you were to look at my life resume. I credit that to the continuation of Philippians 4 in verse 9 that says, "Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you." 

Whenever I am tempted to act poorly, take out my stress on my husband and say something I'll regret or break down and cry, I put into practice what God has been teaching me for a very long time. You see my circumstances, my family, my home whether it be here in Texas or in North Carolina is not the source of my peace. My peace is found in Jesus. If I find I am over whelmed or feeling burdened it is because I am carrying too much. Carrying too much spiritually, emotionally and mentally will eventually wear a person down.

Boxes everywhere!

So when I feel the weight of this move begin to allow anxiety to creep in, I stop, pray and give it back to God. Whatever it is I am doing, whether it be staging the house, applying touch up paint, packing the garage, house hunting online or whatever, I give it to Him. I ask Him to help me in whatever task I am in the middle of and let Him remind me I am not alone. 

You see this move was not a spur of the moment or flighty decision. This has been well thought out and planned for quite some time. God put this on my heart months ago and it has been confirmed in my heart over and over again that this is our next mission field. I am excited for the doors and opportunities God will open for my husband in his career, for me in ministry and my children. 

I pray this move brings God all the glory and draws us closer together. We are completely dependent and rely totally on Him. When I worry, I stop trusting and when I trust, I stop worrying. Those two don't go hand in hand. 

So today in this current season of your life, you may not be moving but perhaps God is moving things around in your life or maybe he is moving something out. Maybe there is change ahead or a bend in the road you did not expect. God won't bring something into your life if He doesn't think you can do it. God will equip you with everything you need to accomplish the task at hand spiritually, emotionally, physically and financially. 

Look at our scripture above in Philipians 4:6-7, if I CHOOSE to not be anxious and instead pray and bring my cares and concerns to Him, He will guard my heart and mind from the enemy's attacks. Satan would love nothing more than to shoot his arrows of anxiety into my mind, but I am thankful that by choosing God's peace I am protected. This protection is for you too, receive it today!

There's a calm that covers me
When I kneel down at Your feet
It's a place of healing
It's a place where I find freedom

There's no one that can bring me peace
That can wash me clean
Like You Lord
There's nothing in this world that can free me
You save my soul!

Place of Freedom by Highlands Worship

If you haven't purchased your copy of Michelle's new book Arm Yourself, get your copy here!

1 comment:

  1. Not being worried and trusting God is difficult for me. I am always praying for more faith. Good luck on your move to NC. Blessings to you and your family!
