Saturday, September 5, 2015

A Different Kind of Blog: Nichole Nordeman "The Unmaking" Giveaway and Review

(This post is a review/giveaway of "The Unmaking" cd by Nichole Nordeman. I received a copy for review by Family Christian. All opinions expressed are solely mine.)

I love getting these little packages in the mail. It means Family Christian is sending me the latest and greatest in Christian music/books. I was thrilled to open it up and find Nichole Nordeman's brand new EP. It definitely has been a long time coming.

I was a big fan of her music 10 years ago when her last CD came out and anticipating the arrival of this one when she announced she was back in the studio at Women of Faith last year. I was stoked to get to meet her and get her autograph!

I truly believe she is a poet with her lyrics and every single song tells a story. She really knows how to rhyme and get deep in about a 3 minute song. With upbeat tempos like "The Unmaking" and "Something Out of Me" she also transitions easily into the pop sound of "Not to Us" that also features Plumb. They harmonize beautifully! 

In "Slow Down", the last song of the EP, prepare to grab your Kleenex because she sings about telling her to children to stop growing up so fast and slow down. This is definitely one that you could hear in the background of a graduation video montage or sung as a Mother's Day Special in church. 

The song that resonated with me most is "Something Out of Me". She starts out talking about the feeding of the five thousand. She speaks from the perspective of one of the many in the crowd and wonders if God truly sees her in her lyrics, "But in the back of a long line, Oh, I want to believe there's enough for me." There are moments in our lives where we feel very small. Moments that make us wonder if God really cares about little old me. In the chorus she prays, 

"You take all kinds of nothing and turn it right into something, 
I see impossible but you see a basketful. 
A little bit of this sounds crazy, a little bit of just maybe, 
you take every doubt and you make something out of me."

How many times have we looked at a situation and thought negatively about it or doubted that God could ever use us? Every single one of us has the potential to do great things for God, we just have to believe it for ourselves. This song is a great reminder of the promises and purposes God has intended for each one of us.

You can purchase it here or enter win a copy I am giving away! (US only) Enter below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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