Monday, January 19, 2015

The Psalms Experiment

I have been reading through the entire book of Psalms since the end of last Summer. I should be done by now but I have been doing more than just reading or skimming over it. I have been devouring it, piece by piece. I have been taking it apart, translating it, memorizing it, making notes through it, highlighting it and really seeking the Lord in His truth for me in it. 

You see the Bible truly is living and active just as it proclaims to be. It can and will speak right into the very heart and soul of the reader, penetrating to the dividing soul and spirit. (Hebrews 4:12)

Today I was reading Psalm 116. It struck me as to it's raw emotion and intensity and to the fact that it could have been something I would have wrote. It contained so many similarities to what I have overcome and the goodness God has shown to me in my life. 

So below I will have two versions of Psalm 116. One is word for word out of the NIRV, the other is my version. Where I insert my name and my heartfelt praise, devotion and sincerity to God during one of the most difficult times of my life. This is why I love King David. He messed up and sinned...alot but God was never far off nor did He condemn Him. He loved him through his darkest times and out the other side.

Psalm 116

I love the Lord, because he heard my voice.
    He heard my cry for his help.
Because he paid attention to me,
    I will call out to him as long as I live.
The ropes of death were wrapped around me.
    The horrors of the grave came over me.
    I was overcome by sadness and sorrow.
Then I called out to the Lord.
    I cried out, “Lord, save me!”
The Lord is holy and kind.
    Our God is full of tender love.
The Lord takes care of those who are not aware of danger.
    When I was in great need, he saved me.
I said to myself, “Be calm.
    The Lord has been good to me.”
Lord, you have saved me from death.
    You have dried the tears from my eyes.
    You have kept me from tripping and falling.
So now I can enjoy life here with you
    while I’m still living.
10 I trusted in the Lord even when I said to myself,
    “I am in great pain.”
11 When I was terrified, I said to myself,
    “No one tells the truth.”
12 The Lord has been so good to me!
    How can I ever pay him back?
13 I will bring an offering of wine to the Lord
    and thank him for saving me.
    I will worship him.
14 In front of all the Lord’s people,
    I will do what I promised him.
15 The Lord pays special attention
    when his faithful people die.
16 Lord, I serve you.
    I serve you just as my mother did.
    You have set me free from the chains of my suffering.
17 Lord, I will sacrifice a thank offering to you.
    I will worship you.
18 In front of all the Lord’s people,
    I will do what I promised him.
19 I will keep my promise in the courtyards of the Lord’s temple.
    I will keep my promise in Jerusalem itself.
Praise the Lord.

Psalm 116

I love the Lord, because he heard my voice.
    He heard my cry for his help.
Because he paid attention to me,
    I will call out to him as long as I live.
The ropes of death were wrapped around me.
    The horrors of the grave came over me.
    When I was laying in bed and had hit rock bottom I had nowhere to look but up.
Then I called out to the Lord.
    I cried out, “Lord, save me! I have done this life my way far too long, now it's time to live it your way. "
The Lord is holy and kind.
    Our God is full of tender love.
He took care of me and saw me through. He held my hand and whispered to me. I opened His word and began to see the woman He created me to be.
I said to myself, “Just breathe and trust in the Lord. He's brought me this far and He promised to take me all the way.”
Lord, you have saved me from death.
    You have dried the tears from my eyes.
    You have kept me from tripping and falling.
So now I can enjoy life here with you
    while I’m still living.
10 I trusted in the Lord even when I said to myself,
    “I can't do this anymore. What's the point? ”
11 I was terrified, when I had a hard time deciphering the voices in my head. 
12 The Lord has been so good to me!
    How can I ever pay him back?
13 I will praise Him and worship Him with a fervency and heart like I never have before. I want people to wonder what I have, that they don't, so I can tell them about you.
14 In front of all the Lord’s people,
    I will fulfill the calling He has given me through this process.
15 The Lord pays special attention
    when his faithful people die.
16 Lord, I serve you.
    I serve you just as my mother did and my grandmother did.
    You have set me free from the chains of my suffering.
17 LordI will try each and everyday to live a life forever grateful to you.
18 In front of all the Lord’s people,
    I will do what I promised him.
19 I will keep my promise inside the church walls and outside the church walls, in person and over my blog. When I write a book and when I stand and speak my testimony. I will share the goodness of the Lord till my dying day!
Praise the Lord.

Let's just call this the Psalms Experiment. I challenge you to pick out one of your favorite Psalms or one God is laying on your heart. Make it personal and see what God is speaking to you. 

This incredible song by Lauren Daigle called "Trust in You" is a perfect fit...
"When you don’t move the mountains I needed you to move
When you don’t part the waters I wish I could walk through
When you don’t give me answers as I cry out to you
I will trust… I will trust in you"

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