Monday, July 14, 2014


"The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7

Why do people do the things they do? Why get up and go to work, make sure you look nice in the morning, do that good deed, talk to that person, attend that church, are a part of that group of friends, or drive that kind of car, live in that neighborhood and let your kids go to that birthday party and not someone elses?  Why did you post that facebook status or picture?

There is a million different answers for all of those questions. Why? Because we all have different motives for doing what we do. Some are postive and some are negative. But what if we took it a bit further!? What if we made it a goal to do everything we do for God? What if we got up and went to work that morning thinking Jesus was our boss, what if we cleaned our house and that sink full of dishes because the King of Kings also did abide in your home? What if you spoke with that tone of voice  to your family or friend because God was also in the room? What if we happened to give that panhandler a second look because maybe, just maybe, they really were that angel in disguise? What if you began to eat right and exercise because your body was the Temple of the Holy Spirit? What if we fell down to our knees and prayed about our day before we even took a shower? 

How would your day, life, work, home, friendships be different? They would be!Why? Because your motive changed. You stopped living for yourself and began to realize the whole world is a bit bigger than you realized and little did you think about every situation really did operate like that! Let's stop saying He lives in our hearts when we don't act like He is even in the room with us! It's time to wake up our eyes, our senses, our minds to something bigger, something spiritual! The spiritual realm does exist and when you are not making progress for God and His will for your life, the devil is gaining the ground you are so willingly, but unknowingly, giving to him.

Let's re-evaluate our motives and why we do the things we do and begin to ask God to create in us a clean heart and renew within us a right spirit (Psalm 51:10).

When You Walk Into the Room (Lyric Video) - Bryan & Katie Torwalt

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