Monday, January 21, 2013


It's January. The month when everyone looks ahead to what they are going to promise to themselves, to God and to others. The month everyone writes their resolutions to better themselves, their health or something else that just needs...bettering.

I have taken this month to reflect. To look back on what I have been through, what God has done in me and how much I have changed in the last few weeks, months and even in the last year. A year ago I never would have imagined that I would be up on the stage every single week, helping to lead my church in worship every Sunday. A year ago I never would have imagined I would be writing a book about my personal testimony and encouraging others with an 8 week bible study written! A year ago I never even would have imagined myself a writer, blogger and bible study leader! God has opened some incredible doors for me. All He asked me to do was be obedient. Now here I am reveling in God's goodness and grace and in this reflection, it excites me to no end, about how bright my future is.

Who knows where I will be a year from now? I know God does. As long as my vision aligns with His, I will be where He wants me to be and I know that wherever that is, I will be happy, satisfied and fulfilled. I know that with Jesus in my heart, the Holy Spirit leading my steps, and keeping in His word, I cannot be stopped. So here is a word, for any obstacle, setback, illness, hardship of any kind...Get out of my way!

Romans 8:28 says, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." That means in everything that comes my way, not just the good but also the bad, God is going to work it out for me. Why, because He is for me! Also, because I have been called to do ministry for Him, to use my gifts and talents for Him. I also know that this year, I want to reflect! Reflect Him in all I do. Be a light shining brightly for Him!

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