Thursday, September 18, 2014

God's Love

(An excerpt from my new book, “Arm Yourself: Equipping Ourselves with the Armor of God”, plus info on a Kari Jobe Giveaway-see below)

Now Available! Click here to order now!

I used to help a good friend of mine film weddings on the weekends. These lavish events are held at some of the most ornate and beautiful churches or posh venues in Dallas, Texas. It is always quite the experience to be at one of these weddings. During one of the ceremonies, as I was manning the balcony camera, the pastor speaking at the wedding said something that stuck with me. He said “God is the kind of person that even when you kick him in the shin...He’s worried about whether or not you hurt your foot.”
            God loves us even when we are unlovable. That makes me love Him more! Despite my flaws, imperfections and numerous inadequacies, he never gives up on me. He wants nothing but the best for me. Sometimes that means answering my prayers and sometimes that means staying silent for a period of time. Sometimes what I pray for is not what I need, and it is hard to take that in also.
            Since God is referred to as our Heavenly Father, a little discipline is not far off, as is with an earthly father. He disciplines us because He loves us, He blesses us because He loves us, He holds our hand through the storm because He loves us, and He shines the light in our darkness because He loves us. All He wants in return is our love and complete and utter devotion to Him. All He wants is our fellowship. We were created for Him…to worship Him!
            When we are not spending time with Him or sitting at the feet of Jesus, whether that might be in the car on the way to work, or on a lunch break, or early in the morning before anyone wakes up, or in the quiet of your bedroom after everyone is asleep, then we are missing something. We have a void in our hearts and in our lives that only He can fill. When we pursue relationships, children, material possessions, social status or job titles to try to fill that void, we fall short. As a matter of fact, everything falls short! 
         Nothing can compare to what fills us in the presence of the Lord. After we have had that quiet time with Him, it shows to everyone around us too. When we take that time to dive into what God’s love truly is and how all encompassing it is, we can’t help but return that love to Him and allow it to pour out into those around us. Just look at what Psalm 90:14 says, “Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all of our days.”
At the end of every one of my blogs, I add a video of some of my favorite worship artists. The intent here is for you to listen to the beautiful and inspiring music because sometimes it was the song that inspired the message. Sometimes it works the other way too. Today’s video is by Kari Jobe on her new album “Majestic”. The song is called “Only Your Love” and it fits so perfectly with this excerpt from my upcoming book. The chorus sings:
Your love is like no other
Nothing else satisfies
It flows through the deepest waters
It rests on the mountains high
Your love is overwhelming
Brought me to life again
Your love, it will last forever
In You there'll be no end
It could not be a better song to compliment today’s post. Listen and soak in the lyrics and proclaim it as your anthem! Kari Jobe’s “Majestic” tour has just kicked off and she has some concerts in the Texas area coming soon. As much as I would like to be able to actually give away concert tickets, a copy of her new cd will have to do! If you haven’t already subscribed to my blog through email, please do so, it will enter you to win her new cd. Giveaway ends 9/30/14.

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