Monday, April 20, 2015


I am overwhelmed with God's goodness and favor in my life. 

I am overwhelmed that God chose me, someone who would be on the bottom of many people's list,  to be a vessel which He uses. 

I am overwhelmed that when I get up in the morning to talk to God, He responds!

Our Texas Bluebonnet pic

I am overwhelmed at the abundance of blessings in my life: husband, children, family, work, home, friends, and my amazing church family. 

I am overwhelmed at the bright future I have in Jesus. The doors and opportunities that only He can open are being birthed in my heart early now. I feel it, I sense it, I know it! 

I am overwhelmed that Jesus sent His son to take my place. God sent His perfect son, the spotless lamb to take my very stained, tainted and imperfect place on the cross. The pressure to be perfect doesn't weigh so heavy on me anymore. I am the righteousness of God. I can make mistakes and mess up, but that's ok. I am automatically in right standing with God, because I live under grace not law.

I am overwhelmed at how far I have come in just three years. 

Yep, that's right it has been three years since my most recent personal crisis with depression and anxiety that forever changed my life and put me on a completely different path than I could ever imagine!

You might have clicked on the title of this blog because you thought, "Yea that's me, I am overwhelmed and I need some tips or advice on how to NOT be overwhelmed." But instead you find me telling you how overwhelmed I am at how amazing God is in my life! That's right God's love can be so overwhelming in my life that it pours out into overflowing! That was never more evidenced than this past weekend when I went to speak to a group of about 50 ladies at a church in Wylie, TX. 

I went to encourage and uplift and not only did God meet those expectations, He EXCEEDED them! I came home so blessed, so encouraged, so uplifted, I felt I could truly do ANYTHING! 

God's love is OVERWHELMING and OVERFLOWING! It's not just for me, but you also. I encourage you to enter in....enter into His presence! Sit and meditate on your favorite verse, CRANK UP the worship music and just sit and revel in the quiet of a room somewhere in your house...anywhere and get FILLED UP! 

Matthew 6:33-34 says to "Seek first His kingdom and righteousness and all these other things will be added to you as well."

Seek His face, His favor, His wisdom, His love, His agenda! Then perhaps you'll see some clarity in your problem or situation. When we prioritize our time to make Him first, He will make sure we get to everything else we need to do. I am a walking testimony of this truth! 

"You will seek me and find me, 
when you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13

Lyrics from "Touch the Sky" by Hillsong United
"I found my life when I laid it down...
I touch the sky when my knees hit the ground."

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