Monday, October 26, 2015

Heart Overhaul: Home Security

As I sit down to write on this Monday morning, I feel as though I am going to war. I have a feeling this post might make the devil angry and I am ok with that. Someone besides me needs to hear this message this morning. This post as apart of the "Heart Overhaul" series might seem a bit different than the others, but it is just as important and just as necessary as painting, new floors or any other home renovation: Home Security.

For some this might look like installing a security system or keeping a gun in the home in case of an intruder. Perhaps it might be putting up a fence to keep out intruders, like we did this past weekend. Being out here in the woods we aren't worried about robberies or crime, but there is a predator in the woods that might not take a liking too much to our little chihuahuas- bears! Yep I live in bear country. Now I know that a simple fence isn't going to necessarily keep a bear out if he really wants to get in, but it offers me a sense of security for myself, my kids and my dogs, that brings this city girl some comfort.

But the type of home security I am talking about is heart security. We need to "Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour" 1 Peter 5:8.

You see my past is riddled with bouts of depression and anxiety that even prompted me to write a book about it last Fall that some of you might be familiar with: Arm Yourself: Equipping Ourselves with the Armor of God. So when I moved halfway across the country for my husband's job, those attacks of anxiety increased and certainly took me by surprise. 

You see I thought that since I wrote the book on it, it would no longer get it's grip on me. Well I have realized that satan is not creative and, in fact, quite repetitive. If he has used something to bring me down in the past, he will try the same tactic again. Fear, worry, anxiety and concern over the new house with the numerous renovations, bad weather that loomed the first week we moved here with the almost threat of Hurricane Joaquin, the homesickness and loneliness that rears its ugly head from time to time, threatened my heart security. Except I saw it for what it attack and intruder in my heart.

If I had allowed it to consume me and paralyze me, I would not be able to do what I came here to do. This move has been so prayed over and confirmed time and time again that I knew my writing and speaking ministry will grow here. So with those proclamations, satan wants to do everything he can stop me. If he can shut me up, I can't share my testimony. If he keeps my mind on the past and what I am missing back home in Texas, I can not be here in the present with the people in front of me. 

So I, yes even I, need to be reminded to equip myself with my heart security- the Armor of God. I pray it on every day but sometimes it can become routine and my prayers become complacent. Oh, never let your prayers grow complacent. Let your prayer life be fervent! Fan the flame! Read God's word with expectancy that He is going to speak right to the very heart of your need that day! His word is alive and active! He has overcome the world! Nothing this world ever throws at us is bigger or scarier than our God! 

So when you sense an intruder in your heart or your mind, throw it out! "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" 2 Corinthians 10:5. 

Look at what the scripture above it says "The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds" 2 Corinthians 10:4.

So even better than the best alarm system or rifle could offer remember the battles won over our hearts are by keeping our weapons of the Holy Spirit and God's word close at hand. Even better than a fence that might offer a false sense of comfort, guard your hearts and minds with what you have heard, seen and learned from God's word and put it into practice just as Philippians 4:9 says. This is a reminder for me too.   

Is there an intruder sneaking into your heart and mind today? Are you entering a new season in your life, a new job, a new house, or maybe some kind of new opportunity? Do not let the devil fill your heart and mind with feelings of insecurity and doubt. Instead replace it with scripture that encourages and inspires and reminds you that you are the daughter of the King of Kings and that God has you exactly where He wants you. Embrace the season you are in!

Commit a verse to memory this week that pertains to your situation or start with 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 to remind yourself that the weapons you have with you-prayer, God's word and the Holy Spirit- have divine power to demolish strongholds.

"Same Power" by Jeremy Camp

Greater is He that is livin' in me
He's conquered our enemy
No power of darkness
No weapon prevails, we stand here in victory

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