Monday, October 20, 2014

Ministers of the Gospel

"Such confidence as this is ours through Christ before God. Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God. He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant..." 2 Corinthians 3: 4-6 

Every morning in my quiet time with God, I ask the Lord to "minister to me and through me". I want to see God in everything I do that day...the big and the little. Because sometimes I get so caught up in the days' activities I neglect to see God's hand at work in my life if I don't stop to look around and actually pay attention. 

I am also sensitive to knowing that God does plan divine appointments for me. I have witnessed too many of them in my everyday life that I don't ever want to be so busy that I miss them completely. You see I am not a pastor with an office, or am I leading any congregation. I am just a mom and wife that stays at home and types on her computer most of the day blogging, writing, running errands to Target, carpooling kids to school and baseball practice, helping with homework, etc. I am still a Minister of the Gospel even as I go about my daily routine. 

I don't need a degree for this or some lofty title. I don't need to hold some position in the church or have  a long list of qualifications to minister. I can do it right where I am in the grocery store, bible study, at home sitting on the couch with my children or at a friend or family member's house when I am visiting.

The only thing that qualifies me to be a Minister of the Gospel is that I obey! That's it, pretty simple. When God tells me to write, I write. When God tells me to speak, I speak. When God tells me to encourage, confront, inform, or show love, I need to be obedient to do that. Being a Minister of the Gospel is sharing the good news, our good news. And you know what?! That will be different for everybody! Because everyone has a different testimony. No one has one like mine and I don't have one like you. We each have our own unique experiences, personality, story and voice. One that will pierce the hearts and lives of the people that need to hear it.

No one can minister like you can to someone who needs to hear it. No one can minister to you like only He can. We need get our daily dose of Him in the morning, so that it will fill up our tanks as we go through our day and He will infill us with what we need to be obedient in that day's task. 

You don't have to be an author, singer, musician, preacher or evangelist to minster. Ask the Lord to help you step into a ministerial role right where you a mom, teacher, business executive, car salesman, receptionist, or whatever your vocation is.  That does not define you or your ability to be a light to the world around you. When we finally stand before the Lord he is going to ask us, What did you do with the resources, opportunities and places I have set you? We need to be prepared to answer that!

"God help us to ministers of the gospel, right where we are!"

Enjoy this gorgeous song by All Sons and Daughters called "Called me Higher"

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