Monday, May 2, 2016


Moms, Grandmas, Step- Moms, Mothers-in law...we celebrate you this week! It's not an easy job. I can say that now because I have been a momma now for 11 years. Wow! I feel old just saying that. Who would have thought that God would have chosen me to be the momma of two rambunctious little boys? Oh, that's right, God did! 

He looked at the little girl that played with Barbies until she was 14 years old, had bright pink furniture in her room her whole life, and enough bows to cover every little girl's head in a small village to be the mother of boys. 

I chuckle at God's sense of humor. Especially in moments when my son comes up to me and my husband before Karate class and says, "Can someone show me how to put on the cup? We start sparring tonight." HAHA! I looked at my husband and said, "Honey, you got this right?" 

Lord knows, I would have failed that mission! Thank goodness for husbands too in those moments! I grew up with an older brother but we were 4 years apart. Enough to where we each got our own time with the television. He had his time watching Ninja Turtles and playing Gran Turismo on the Playstation system. I had my time watching Punky Brewster and playing with My Little Ponies. 

But after being a mother of boys and being royally outnumbered I have had my fair share of boy education when one summer they caught me up on all the Back to the Future movies, Star Wars, and even the 1984 Transformers episodes (Oh, how I wish I had gotten back my hours watching that mess!)

I walk through the kids section in Target and my heart used to sink a bit when I looked at all the frills and lace on little girl's dresses. A part of me mourned not being able to buy those cute little outfits, but I made up for it by spoiling my cousin's little girls or my nieces on their birthdays. Anytime I was ever invited to a girl's party for a friend or family member, trust me I went all out! 

My husband says that if we had a little girl in the house, I would have had to share my "Princess" status. You know what? He's right. I look into the eyes of my little  boys and savor in the fact that at this present moment in time, I am the most important and favorite girl in their life! They all treat me like a queen. I relish the fact that I will always have my husband and two incredible sons to love me, look after me and take care of me the rest of my life. There is a special bond between a mother and a son that never fades, even with age.

Yes they will get married one day and their wives will take spot #1, but I would like to think I won't be far behind that spot. I look forward to helping them navigate their lives. I cherish our mommy/son dates, praying for them when they have had a bad day at school, and holding them when they have had a bad dream. Oh, and I plan to have one of those amazing mother/son dances at their weddings that goes viral on YouTube so be looking for that in the next 10 years or so! 

Those moments when your cool tween comes up to you and says, "I love you, mom" melts me every time, as well as when my snuggly 7 year old jumps in my lap and says "I wanna cuddle". Yes, God knew exactly what He was doing when He gave this momma boys. I am so proud and honored to be a BoyMom. I know writing this I am talking to a very specific niche here especially if you are the parent of boys and girls or just girls, but God knew what he was doing when he gave you those children, too.

He saw your personality, temperament, and even your comfort zone and stretched you and grew you with blessing you with those children. I know mamas we sometimes wonder, "God, why did you give me these kids?" Because He knew we would ask these questions. He wants us to come to Him for help, guidance and direction. If it was easy as pie, we wouldn't need to call out to Him. Calling out to Him in our parenting, especially in our weak moments of parenting, enables His strength to shine through us and into that situation for that specific child.

So I hope you are encouraged in your walk as BoyMom, GirlMom or both, that not only were these children chosen for you, you were chosen for those children. Not one of these babies were by accident or happenstance, they were planned whether you realized it or not- whether it was in your plans or not.

“My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the Lord.
    “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. 
 For just as the heavens are higher than the earth,
    so my ways are higher than your ways
    and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.  
Isaiah 55: 8-9

Comment below with what you are grateful for in being a parent to the children God gave you.

"Slow Down" by Nichole Nordeman

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