Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The Healthy Heart + Arm Yourself Online Bible Study

Today's blog is a guest post written for the Sweet Jesus Ministries page. Click "Read More" to read the rest of the post.

“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”
Proverbs 4:23
January…the time so many of us pull out those workout clothes from the back of the closet and promise ourselves we’ll never let the eating get out of hand again. We do it all in the name of our health.

The time we vow to stick to a budget so we can be free from debt. We do it for the health of our finances.

The time when we tell ourselves to cut back on unnecessary tasks and clutter in our schedule to make more time for family and friends. We do this for the sake of our sanity.

But do we check on the health of our hearts? It may have been broken due to someone’s hurtful words or comments. It may have been overwhelmed with the worries over finances or health issues.

What do we do about that?


I want to personally invite you to join me on Sunday, January 24, 2016 as we kick off the Arm Yourself Online Bible Study! Based on my book, Arm Yourself: Equipping Ourselves with the Armor of God, we journey through Ephesians 6 and explore what each piece of the armor is, how to use it and what it protects.

This Bible study will include 9 weekly videos and free worksheets that you can print off and make copies.  The videos will be made available every Sunday here on this website under the "Arm Yourself Bible Study" tab. The only cost to you is making sure you get your book which you can purchase here. If you buy it directly from me it will come signed and with a free gift and bookmark. You can also purchase it in ebook, paperback and hardcover format online wherever books are sold! 

After battling off and on my entire life  with depression and anxiety, God revealed to me the strength and power that is made available to me...the Armor of God. We just need to remember to put it on. 

I am so excited and God is going to use this Bible study to greatly minister to women all across the country and make an impact for God's kingdom. Whether you do the bible study alone or get a group of women together, let's equip ourselves to be the strong, bold and courageous women of God HE created us to be! 

I look forward to seeing you Sunday!!! 

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