Monday, November 17, 2014

An Undivided Heart

"Teach me your way, O Lord, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name." Psalm 86: 11

So many things clamor for our attention nowadays. It's enough to have our spouses, kids, bosses, co workers, friends, parents, etc.. on our mind. But we also have social media and television programs that vy for our attention, or what we might like to refer to as our "down time". 

It is easy to forget there is one more person in our lives that wants to spend time with us... Jesus! He watches us in our hustle and bustle and waits for us to stop and look up to Him and give our full undivided attention. 

There are days when I get busy the minute my feet hit the floor in the morning, so my quiet time gets about 5 minutes when I am reading a blog in my email or a devotion out of my Jesus Calling book. There are even a few days where I open my youversion Bible app and read the verse of the day and apologize to God, that I will make more time later. It happens to me, it happens to you. Now as long as we get some word in our lives daily, that's good and God understands a busy schedule. I am not condemning you for having a full plate here and there. There are times when demands are pressing at you from every side. The problem is when we live those kinds of lives on a daily basis. 

Life isn't meant to be lived in a whirlwind. We are called to be wives, mothers, daughters, etc. to cultivate and cherish those relationships. How do we do that? By making time... valuable time for those people in our lives. That is when the deep conversations and special memories happen! 

It works the same way with the Lord. When we carve out that valuable time and actually open up our Bible and read His Word, He speaks to us! He cherishes that time just as much as you do. So don't replace your relationship with God with other people's blogs, podcasts, tv sermons or books. Make that special date with the Lord to sit and hear what He has to say for YOU! 

This is one of the reasons I blog only once a week. I would hope that you fill up the other 6 days of the week with reading your Bible. I would never want my words to replace His Word. So I encourage you, on those days when you have a few moments to yourself and your tempted to open up that Facebook app or turn on HGTV, (I am preaching to myself now), to open up your Bible instead. I promise a refreshing will overwhelm your soul more than anything else! Let's give God our undivided hearts and our undivided attention and see what he does with it.

Enjoy this beautiful song by Laura Hackett called "You Satisfy My Soul"

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