Monday, September 3, 2012

Good Morning

"Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. " Lamentations 3:22-23

I am not a morning person. If you knew me, (my mom is probably laughing reading this right now) you would know that I am normally a "Leave me alone and I will talk to you around 10 am today". In my high school summer days I would sleep till noon and that was because my mother refused to let me sleep any longer than that. I could have probably slept till much later. Even now, my kids will come bouncing into the room with their "Good morning mommy" and as sweet as it may be to wake up to the sound of my precious kid's voices...I feel as though I have been rudely disturbed from my peaceful slumber. In the past, the kids have had to pull off the covers on the weekends and hand me my glasses with arms crossed firmly saying, "Mom its time to get up! No more sleeping!" Like I said....not a morning person. 

I wish I had the ability to jump right out of bed and never hit the snooze. What's the big deal with mornings anyway? Well, apparently there is something to them. They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. When does breakfast the morning! Why? Nutritionists say it is because your body is hungry after going all night with no food and eating a good breakfast helps to jumpstart your metabolism and help keep you focused and alert. Teachers are always telling me to feed my kids a good breakfast before a big day at school. 

As important as it is to get nutritionally fed in the morning, it also is imperative we get spiritually fed as well. Now I have tried to have my Bible/prayer time in the afternoon and at night before bed, but I have to say nothing truly beats the morning. In the morning is when I ask the Lord to help me wake up with the right attitude for the day, to give me my daily portions of strength, endurance, peace and joy. I ask the Lord to help me operate in the fruit of the Spirit and mentally I put on my armor of God. I don't know what I will have to face that day. I could get a phone call that changes someone's life or bad news that knocks me off my feet. No matter what happens, if I invite God to go with me and ask the Holy spirit to lead me then I can truly do all things I need to do that day through Christ who strengthens me!!

I will also try to incorporate some worship and spend time in His presence waiting for Him to speak to me, instead of me doing all the talking. When the mornings are rushed and the alarm doesn't go off and I am not able to have my quiet time with the Lord, I can feel that my whole day is thrown off a bit. But even if I can fit in a few minutes of peace to collect myself, pray and meditate on a scripture or two, I feel like I am back on track. Whether I have spoken to God that day or not, doesn't mean He won't be with me. But giving Him the gift of my time when He daily gives me the gift of life, family, friends, a house, etc... 15 minutes in the morning doesn't seem like such a big sacrifice.

"Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all 
our days." Psalm 90:14


  1. I so enjoyed your blog this morning. Yes, as your mom I did chuckle at your not being a morning person. What a nice young woman you have become morning or not. Now I am married to "not a morning person." The cycle continues. I do enjoy the mornings! It reminds me that His mercies are new every morning! Always need to slow down and spend time with Him!

  2. I enjoy reading your blogs. You are blessed with much wisdom.
