"For if you remain silent at this time,
liberation and rescue will arise for the Jews from another place,
and you and your father's house will perish [since you did not help when you had the chance].
And who knows whether you have attained royalty for such a time as this
[and for this very purpose]?"
Esther 4:14
The words above are from a story in the Bible that is one of my most favorite. This story is powerful and when I received my copy of Jill Eileen Smith's new book, "Star of Persia: Esther's Story", I couldn't wait to dive in. I did receive a copy from Revell publishing for my honest review, but let me tell you, I knew in advance it would not disappoint. I have read several of Smith's books in the past and her attention to biblical detail is on point. If there ever was an author that could bring the Old Testament stories to life it would be Jill Eileen Smith.
The story of a Jewish Queen over Persia hiding her ancestry before her king is one that never gets old to hear. When evil Haman seduces the king into thinking the Jews are the problem in their country and they need to be annihilated, Esther is forced to choose between keeping her ancestry a secret so that she may continue to live peacefully with her king in the palace or speaking up to save her people and risk losing her life.
Of course, I won't tell you what happens next, but as soon as I finished it, and in only a couple of days, I had to open up my Bible and re-read the story myself and Smith's story mixed with biblical and historical facts breathes new life into this incredible heroine's decision.
You see, coming before the king uninvited and unannounced could have been an automatic death sentence, by itself. But also sharing her ancestry and her plea to save her people could have also infuriated the king, so she had nothing to rely on but her faith in God (Adonai) and hope His presence in the room with her would be enough to soften the king's heart to her request.
I highly recommend this book and lucky for all my readers, this book just came out yesterday! Get your copy on Amazon asap!
I will leave you with a beautiful song that I think sums up what might have gone through Esther's mind as she pondered the big decision she had to make- My Weapon by Natalie Grant.
"Your presence is my greatest weapon
Pushing back the darkness
Breaking every chain
Breaking every chain
My worship opens up the heavens
Crushing every stronghold
When I speak Your name
Your presence is my weapon"
Crushing every stronghold
When I speak Your name
Your presence is my weapon"
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