Monday, June 15, 2015

Lessons from a Zip Line

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
-Joshua 1:9

I have always wanted to zip line. Not really sure why but I always thought it would be the easiest and most attainable thing to accomplish on my bucket list other than something like cage diving with Great Whites (which yes that is an actual dream of mine, I know I am nuts!) So we packed up the family last Friday and headed to an adventure park about an hour away from my house that promised zip lining to your heart's content.

  My 6 year old on the lowest challenge course level.

So I started out small on the challenge courses where you do crazy obstacle courses only a foot off the ground. After we did three challenges on that level we got to go upstairs where we were two stories off the ground and I tried a few of those but was a bit scared that my holster wouldn't hold up to really keeping me from falling all the way to my death. So I climbed back down. But I kept looking up the the tower next to us where the 6 foot story zip line was that took any willing daredevil across the entire park. To get back down to the ground, you had to zip line back across and then climb your way down some stairs. 

I kept looking at it thinking, There it is, you wanted to do it. All you have to do is gear up, climb 6 flights of stairs and jump off the platform. But I remembered how I couldn't even handle the two story challenge course right next to it and hung my head in shame as I walked back to our picnic table to eat lunch with the family.

My husband and boys began talking about the adjoining water park and what rides we were gonna go on next, but I kept staring at that tower. I knew that if I changed into my swimsuit and started doing something else we probably wouldn't go back to the adventure park and attempt that zip line and my chance would be gone. The boys grabbed their swim trunks and headed to the bathrooms and I stood up and looked at my husband and told him I made up my mind to go for it. He knows anytime I make up my mind to do something, I am gonna do it and nothing better get in my way. 

So I geared up, got all my ropes and helmet on and headed up 6 flights on a spiral staircase which was actually very brutal. Once I got to the top I had to catch my breath, but I watched as two young boys not only jumped off with no fear but ran off the platform and sailed across the park having the best time. So when the lady looked at me and said, "Ok, whenever your ready". I thought Good grief, if I wait till I am ready I'll never step foot off this giant tower. So with a deep breath I walked off the platform and let my holster catch me and closed my eyes, then when I realized I was still hooked on and it was smooth sailing from here, I opened my eyes and saw my kids waving and cheering for me! I was elated!

 My zip line adventure

I think sometimes God asks us to do something that to us seem scary or uncertain. Things that take us out of our comfort zone is what's needed, sometimes, to take us to the next level. I personally have learned that if I get too comfortable with something it can make it difficult for God to use me in a new way, if I am unwilling to change.

 My 10 year old son on the three story challenge course.

After that zip line, we did change back into our regular clothes and together me and my 10 year old son did all THREE levels of the challenge courses. Because I had gone higher and farther before, the task before did not seem so daunting. At first, when we are faced with a calling from God that seems scary it is because our focus is on the wrong thing. We are worrying about the wrong things like doubting ourselves and not knowing what to expect or scared of how hard we might fall. But God doesn't tell us the blueprints for the plans in our lives, He just asks that we trust Him to take care of us. Do you trust Him to take care of you with whatever He is calling you to do?

Lyrics from It is Well by Bethel
Through it all, through it all
My eyes are on you
Through it all, through it all
It is Well

So let go my soul and trust in him...

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